About me

My name is Saori Kamitani, a senior at the University of Oregon, majoring in advertising and public relations.

I am from Japan and have lived in Eugene for three years.

The reason why I chose “food industry” is that  I like eating and it is a big part of my life. I like eating rather than cooking. My blog will focus on food industry in Japan and Oregon. You can feel and understand the sense of the town through the food. I would like to know more about my home and second home, Oregon. I will analyze what is happening in food industry and how the restaurants or food related places communicate with its customers. Food is necessary for everyone. No exception. Many people would like to eat delicious and  healthy food. As it is said what you eat is what you are, food creates us physically and mentally. So, food industry easily gets criticized. Also, local food markets, farms and restaurants face to a difficult economic situation.
Although I have never worked in food industry, my mother is a cook. She has taught me a lot of things about food, nutrition and cooking.

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