Archive | October, 2012

Instragram for a campaign

28 Oct





Instragram, this is one of the most popular social media tools these days.
I don’t use Instragram, so I didn’t understand why everyone liked the app and it was useful for a business till I have read this article.

First I think Instragram does not have any complicated function. It focuses on only pictures and comments, not like Facebook. This makes wide range of people use the app.

I think Instragram is very helpful for raising awareness and branding in a way to collaborate with other social media, such as Twitter and Facebook. The significance of Instragram is that it is a picture-only social media. As four out of five examples on the article are fashion related brand, Instragram is revolutionary for something visual is important. The brands use Instragram for updating its new releases or styles they produce. This can give the audiences the sense of the brand and let them know the latest items.

The using way I thought interesting, was themed Instragram. Tiffany Co. uses the hashtag #TrueLovePictures, and people post their lovely pictures with the hashtag. I thin this theme is smart and eye-catchy. Tiffany Co. is a jewelry shop and its customers are usually couples. So that the theme does not directly represent Tiffany CO., but it shows its tone. Also, it is easy to spread since most people are interested in seeing other people’s happy moments.

I am a big fan of Free people, which is one of the brands on the article. Since many people are positive about Instragram, I might think about starting using the app.

Viva ☆ Vegetarian’s way to succeed

28 Oct

My diet has changed a lot since I came here, Eugene. Although Eugene is only place I have lived in the U.S. (I have traveled 5, 6 states), I feel more vegetarians or vegans in Eugene comparing to other states. This is one of the most popular and my favorite vegetarian food cart, “Viva! Vegetarian Grill.”

I think this food cart has a good marketing even with a low budget

1. Special goods (“Meat Free” T-shirts, stickers and cookies)
Its goods are very unique. It does not say its name on either T-shirts or cookies, but “Meet Free,” this is a strong word and tells everything they would like to say. Also the design is interesting. It is lik a dear crossing road sign with a pig. Colors are green and yellow which represent Eugene, specifically the Uof O. It is well targeting on Eugene residents.
If you are interested in its T-shirts, you can visit its Etsy site (Click links above). You can get a sticker at the cart!

2. Saturday market, Street fair, any kind of Lane community food festival
Viva Vegetarian Grill is always there if there is any food related event. It is important for a local business to show up as many place as it can and have the people remember the name. Saturday market is a good place to obtain new customers and represent Eugene-like food.

3. .50 discount when you arrive on a bicycle, you show a Student ID and it is raining. 
Majority of Eugene residents use a bike everyday, are students. And of course, it rains often. The customers can more likely have discounts. This makes its customers think that the Viva Vegetarian Grill cares about its customers. This is important for Viva Vegetarian Grill to gain a trust among the locals.

And its flavor is great. Even if you are a meat eater, you cannot tell if it is made of Tofu unless someone tells you.
Viva Vegetarian Grill is on 12th and Willamette Street. If you have a chance to visit Eugene, or live in Eugene, this is a worth place to visit.

NIKE broke off with Armstrong to protect its reputation

21 Oct

  (By  Rétrofuturs (Hulk4598) / Stéphane Massa-Bidal)

Oct. 17, the relationship between Lance Armstrong and NIKE has reached an end. NIKE decided not to support Armstrong anymore because of invincible evidence that Lance Armstrong has participated in doping. Since NIKE is the largest seller of athletic footwear and apparel,  the word “doping” is not fun word to hear. Especially the legendary athlete Lance Armstrong has had to do with it, this is a biggest and saddest news for NIKE.

To maintain the top sports brand position of NIKE, cutting off the contract with Armstrong was necessary, I think. I don’t know what the invincible evidence was exactly about and how many Armstrong supporters will leave him after this doping facts are disclosed, but NIKE does not want give its public the impression that NIKE supports doping.
It is possible that NIKE will lose some parts of its customers who has supported Armstrong and Livestrong. NIKE has contracted with Armstrong for a log time. Also Armstrong is a big public figure and he has aided cancer survivors, their family and current cancer patients. Even NIKE announced it would continues to support Livestrong, some people could feel that NIKE abandoned Armstrong to its profit. However, to show NIKE’s healthiness, it is important to give up drastically. I think the public understansd its decision and will stay with NIKE now and forever.

Armstrong is in a very difficult situation. It will be hard for him to convince the public that he is innocent especially the incident was given a lot of coverage, saying the popular sports brand cut him off. He resigned as chairman of Lance Armstrong Foundation not to give trouble to Livestrong supporters. Even if the news about his doping was fact, I hope he can get back his reputation since he has done a lot of charitable actions in the past.

Ice Cream+ President Obama+ UofO

21 Oct

Obama’s Ice cream, that’s how the International students called.

Prince Puckler’s Gourmet Ice Cream, few blocks from the University of Oregon, is one of the best ice cream shop in Eugene. It has been chosen for a best ice cream in Eugene in local newspaper survey, as well as other magazines, such as SKY(Delta Airline Magazine) and Sunset Magazine, picked it up for the place to visit.

(By Schmuelick)

1. One of the biggest advertisement for it is the Barack and Michelle Obama’s visit in 2008.

(By Oregonianphoto)

2. Also, A cafe in the University of Oregon, Fishbowl, provides its ice creams and root beer float all year. Since Prince Puckler is a little far from the main part of the campus, it helps to promote Prince Puckler.

3. Another reason of Prince Puckler’s popularity is its location. It is on 19th and Agate, which is not really convenient for college students, but There are several popular restaurant around the store. McMenamins, Beppe and Giannis Trattoria, and Eugene City Bakery. All restaurants and bakery are famous and popular, Prince Puckler’s ice cream can be a good dessert after a meal.
Prince Puckler’s ice cream established its position as a fancy dessert place as well as nice summer time break place.

Since it is on the opposite side from Eugene downtown area and the main street of UofO, I would suggest Prince Puckler can expand its business by providing its ice cream stand or food cart by the main campus entrance and somewhere in the downtown, as well as at the Saturday Market.

IKEA’s foolish decision about Saudi catalog

13 Oct

IKEA is criticized for deleting all women from Saudi catalog and now the company regrets its actions. A family dinner photo was also omitted from the catalog. Many people question IKEA’s position on gender equality.

I think this issue more likely illustrates a business’ inability to expand to a completely different culture, as well as a shallow-minded decision.

Women are supposed to cover their face and hair with scarfs in Saudi Arabia. This is true, and I assume, this is the reason that IKEA chose to erase the women from the catalog. I don’t think IKEA attempted to show sexism. Although this issue happened because of lack of research and understanding that is IKEA’s fault, we cannot assume IKEA does not support women’s rights. If the catalog was made by Saudi Arabian employees, it would be a gender issue. However, since the catalog was adapted for the Saudi Arabian market, the issue is more likely a culture misunderstanding.

Since culture and gender are sensitive issues, IKEA should have used Arabic women or had models dressing in the traditional garb.

Also, the Saudi case is not the first time for IKEA has faced criticism from altering its catalogs.  IKEA has had many problems and most of them could have be avoided if IKEA considered them more carefully. IKEA needs to rebuild its image and its attitude to the public. Otherwise, everyone will think that not only its furniture is cheap, but its morals as well.

Are you Pockying?

12 Oct

Pocky: Japanese chocolate covered stick snack produced by Ezaki Glico. You might have seen these package in the store here too (picture below).

(By *Sherima*)

Pocky has been sold since 1966 and still has a tremendous popularity among all ages for decades. The name “Pocky” was named after Japanese onomatopoeia, pokkin. Glico’s Pocky marketing is a unique, but simple.

1. Pocky TV commercial is famous for interesting and eye-catchy visual, and most of famous actress have been appointed to the advertisements. For your information, celebrities are important figures for advertisements in Japan. How popular they are is a key to promote the products successfully, while the message and the brand are taken seriously in the U.S. Regardless of products, all fans of a celebrity purchase the products that the celebrity promotes. TV commercial for Pocky is a gateway for novice actress to be famous since 1975. The girl is called “Pocky girl,” and you are guaranteed to be popular after life, If you are chosen for the promotion girl. Here is a recent commercial:

The commercial is colorful, rhythmical, and eye-catchy, and the song is stuck in your head easily.

2. Another successful campaign they did was to create a “Pocky and Pretz day”, which is November 11 because  the shape of these stick snacks resembles the number 1. Pretz is another long-selling snack by the same company, Glico. Actually, Pretz is original and Pocky is chocolate covered Pretz. This once a year campaign are easy to remember and celebrate. Also every year, Glico sets a different concept in Nov. 11 and it uses Twitter hashtag to expand its influence these days (Last year, if you tweet your activity with either Pocky or Pretz from 11:11 a.m. to 12:59 p.m., you would receive various snacks from Glico).

3. Also, there is a game called “Pocky game”: When two people eat at each end of a chocolate dipped bread stick (Aka Pocky) until their lips meet. Who ever pulls away last is the winner of the game ((Urban dictionary “Pocky game”) .

This is one of most popular game especially among middle school and high school (Of course I have played).  Although Pocky is loved by all generations, a key public is students from 13 to 18 years old.

Glico has successfully established its position as a confectionary company. Glico still more innovates tasty and surprising food,  and entertains its public. Although Pocky is sold in supermarket in the U.S., there is many opportunity to expand Glico’s business here using its unique promoting way.

Why is Voodoo Doughnut so popular?

2 Oct

On the corner of Broadway and Willamette,  there is a conspicuous pink store and people line up in front of it.

(By Travel or Die)

Voodoo Doughnut, is a Portland based unique doughnut shop.”Magic is in the Hole!!” This is its catch phrase.

A lot of people in Oregon come to Portland or Eugene just to get its doughnuts. Don’t you think it is crazy? There are many kinds of doughnuts shops in America, but I cannot find doughnuts anywhere like Voodoo. Voodoo exemplifies OREGON with its unique concept, tasty, interesting flavor combinations etc.. Obviously, Voodoo’s target audience is someone who would like to be different from everyone. Their age would most likely be between 18- 60.

Speaking of Voodoo in Eugene, one of the biggest reasons that Voodoo has been successful is that Voodoo communicates with its customers well and has eye-catching doughnuts and other products, such as  t-shirts and novelty items.

1. Voodoo Doughnut innovates/makes many unique doughnuts

2. It collaborates with the University of Oregon, such as Voodoo Tuesday at the EMU and the doughnut cart by Autzen Stadium on game days. On game days, you can always make out  the pink boxes amongst the sea of green and yellow.

3. It remains open until late at night. (The Eugene store is open till 4 a.m.) Good for late night or breakfast, right?

4. The location is ideal, as it is in the middle of downtown, as well right across from the Saturday market. This makes for a more diverse customer pool, since it is so easily accessible.

Voodoo is a good example of a successful local food business.
I think I will get them now.